Thinking further on a tour to look for a new TV, but there were so many people in the store so I left…
On the bike (it was really cold, blowing through my woolen duffel-coat/coat, through the very marrow of my bones, my body, soul and heart should need being warmed it felt??):
Are we after all born evil? And antisocial? Paranoiac? Psychopathic? Stepping over boundaries? How do we handle this evilness, paranoia, lack of feeling for boundaries etc. then? How do parents and environment handle what adults and children are born with? Are we all born with this? Is there any hope for mankind then? Or are some of us born with this and others not? Some are better people than others by nature? Who is what? And who are capable of judging about this?
And if we are born with these bad sides do we have responsibility for expressions of these sides or not? Is that person granted discharge for his/her behaviour?
Or is early abuse so difficult or maybe even impossible to cure sometimes, so… What would that imply? Could we avoid incurable harm, shall we do that?
How have we seen on these tings so far? Has this changed? Has treatment improved? Shall some not be allowed to reproducing, radically? And who shall be allowed reproducing? Who are actually reproducing? Those which would be the best parents, who has the “best genes” etc.? (maybe it’s a luck I have no children, quite ironical??)
A male cousin of mine has been reacting on “unnecessary talk”:
”What is that to talk about? If one doesn’t have more important things to talk about… (then one can keep quiet)!”
The strange thing (or not) is that this person is fairly good himself in talking… As his dad was… And as another brother of his is… I don’t use to react, but here I do… And that about the content and importance in what is said… Politely and as the well-mannered girl I am raised to listening though.
And how is it actually in this world? Who are talking, the most intelligent and who have most to say? About what are those raising their voices talking? And how much? Who are keeping quiet? Who and what are we seeing through our fingers with and who/what not? Who do we judge and who not? Do we treat all with the same respect? Are all allowed the same things? O not and why is that?
Yes, it ought to be as van Dyke said:
"Use what talent you possess - the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best."
About the card:
"En glad påsk. Hand i hand framåt. Uppå grönklädd stråt. Vandra vi så kärligt. Uti månens sken. Med en vän så vän. Är ju lifvet härligt."Translated it would be (I THINK!!):
Avstämplat Odengatan Stockholm 31/3 1907. Porto 5 öre.
Sänt till Fröken Alma Almgren, 29 Roslagsgatan 29, Ingeniör Söderberge. Här (Stockholm).
"A Happy Easter. Hand in hand forward. Upon a green path. We wander so loving(ly?). In the moon-light. With a friend so fair and graceful. Life is lovely you know."Is it always?
From a Charles to an Alma, March 31, 1907.
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