On one of the pictures I linked it stood:
Kroppen som talar.
- Inifrån det egna jaget
- Känslomässiga upplevelser
- Att förstå andra
- Kroppsliga erfarenheter
- Utvecklar medfödda och grundläggande förmågor
- Stimulerar känslo- och tankemönster.
Translated it would be something in the style:
The body which speaks.
- From the own self
- Emotional experiences
- To understand other people [one way, among (many) other, in processing things?]
- Bodily experiences [expresses what we have experienced?]
- Develops inborn and fundamental, basic faculties, powers, capacities.
- Stimulates feelings and thought patterns.
But it's probably not easy (and sometimes not even possible) for children to enjoy dancing or expressing themselves? I can have experienced this too. But my activities were many times about survival??? Fantasizing and doing things...
I came to think about Reggio Emilia a “school-system” created after WW II as a reaction to what happened then and to avoid something similar to occur (if I remember right)?
Their idea is that:
"A child has a hundred languages but is robbed of ninety-nine. Schools and culture separate the head from the body, they force you to think without a body and to act without a head. Play and work, reality and imagination, science and the fantastic, the inside and the outside, are made into each other’s opposites.”
The body, body and facial expressions (and dance) is one way in expressing one’s self… Music is another. Painting and drawing are other expressions. We also have words, language, tone of voice… But we have a brain, intellect, intelligence too!! And thoughts, feelings, emotions, fantasy, imaginations...
Aren't they cute???
I have also thought of writing about hypochondria (more or less severe)...
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