I came to think of what Anna-Luise Kirkengen has written about power imbalance and tried to find it, but found something else. She writes at page 8 in her book “Inscribed bodies…”:
“Actually, my exploration of socially silenced sexual boundary violations [but not only sexual violations, but also violations of the other person's self, dignity, feelings, thoughts etc. in form of verbal, emotional, in form of outbursts, physical abuse, or implicitly or explicitly threatening with verbal abuse, withdrawal etc.??] with regard to health impact has revealed both particular and general dynamics, mutually constitutive, between individuals and society, and between violated persons and health agencies. The violated human bodies have emerged as both bodies unto or into which violence is inscribed in a literal, graphical, etching-like sense, and bodies which are inscribed into the social politics which silence the main impact of patriarchy, namely the societal structures of domination and objectification.
The etching impact of silenced violations, and the sickening impact of the medical aid offered to the violated persons are, indeed, metaphorically spoken: the double costs of patriarchy. Sexually violated bodies are, in this double sense, Inscribed Bodied.”
Who is usually the strongest? Not only physically, but also in other respects? How is this power used? And why does it has to become demonstrated, and to whom does it has to become demonstrated - and why actually? What is this abreaction about? Actually? Does it makes the person's involved coming closer? Or the opposite? Is this a form of metaphorically murdering another person? And why does one want to murder? Does this person deserve being murdered, if though not literally, so in other senses? Does this person need being pushed down? And why if so?? And this murderous rage can't it result in real murder too, after physical abuse???
When I read this and other things in her book I came to think that you can't blame the medicine and psychiatry that a person close to you doesn't get help, and go on violating this person yourself... I wonder if it can't become like that; men abusing women close to them covering it with that it's "the professionals' fault"?? That the profession violates is by no means a justification for private abuse???
And as Miller writes (page 145 in the Swedish edition of ”The Drama…”), a human being who has worked her/his own destiny’s tragedy through consciously (been able doing this, probably with help) can at last (much more) plainly apprehend her human fellow beings suffering, even if that person still has to belittle it.
She can’t make fun of (or scorn) other people’s feelings, of whatever sort they are (may be), if she can take her own feelings seriously. She will not let the vicious circle of contempt continue (or go on and on and on).
And this wasn't a posting about matriarchal abuse... We all know that mothers have the first contact with the child usually, but does this grant fathers (or men) discharge from (all) responsibility??
Men are stronger physically (in general) and have more power in their voices (in general), men's voices are lower and their voices are louder usually, they usually have more power in society and have a higher status too, earn more money usually with all what follows... And as Anja wrote: if we look back on human history, who have murdered and killed the most? Who have created most harm? Yes, women have murdered and killed and created harm too!!!
I don't know if I sound tough and frank here, but...
PS. Of some reason I like Sting's song much, much better than the one I posted after the video with Sting this morning...
PPS. And I don't like the current school-politics in Sweden or our school-minister's (Jan Björklund) ideas about the school!!! I think he stands for a backlash and is really authoritarian!

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