I have meditated, trained Feldenkreis, taken massage etc. It isn't wrong in itself?? But if happiness becomes like a prescription then there is something wrong?? And can this lie in the power's interest? People smiling, happy, satisfied?
One of the last years a book by Thomas Johansson, a Swedish professor of social psychology, in (my amateur translation) “Makeover mania – about Dr Phil, plastic-surgery and the illusion of the perfect self” came. I have it and started to read it, but thought he was a little too Freud-influenced somewhere so I haven’t finished it.
But now when I am skimming it I read at page 226 (my fantastic translation again):
“The self-help industry is hardly a strong force for radical societal change or for drastic transformations in the sphere of intimacy. The outlook and perceptions which are presented rather have as goal to stabilise, preserve and defend the prevailing order. Possibly one could see the self help industry as an institution whose aim is to uphold the societal norms, defending and making clear a certain moralistic order. The advices and instructions we get are often about keeping the family together, strengthening the marriage, maintaining inequal relations, achieving/performing [be clever!! Which also can be forbidden, at least for some! You shall but you shall not, double-bind. The extremely trouble-making perfectionism!?], praising success [and the less successful can draw something over them, if they have little or maybe even no success when it comes to recovery too!?? Are treated with contempt for weakness even by so called enlightened, even if they don' harm any other person!? What is that? Bullying?] and caring about our health.”
Confusing? You shall, but you shall not!?
Johansson is VERY critical to Dr Phil…
In the end of the article in Amos a psycho therapist (CBT) was interviewed. She says that all emotions/feelings are needed for us to be/feel safe/secure. Many are trying to change their person with the help of coaches and therapists, but noone can make oneself a new soul. This therapist is warning people for all traps those who are seeking a more harmonic life can meet.
-Now there are coaches for everything,she says. And that's really true!
And she thinks (which is true), when you are in psychic imbalance you are even more easily fooled…
Harmony isn’t about permanent luck (but this can be misused too by the environment). But it’s a big difference to being permanently unhappy.
What I thought was interesting was the last paragraph in the whole article saying something in the style:
-Is it our duty to be happy?
-No. But self help books tell people that it is dangerous feeling bad. But we need ALL our feelings. The negative too, as shame [do we need shame??], guilt and fear to be able to protect ourselves.
A good helper/therapist helps her/his client finding her/his own way? Without prescriptions or following a hand-book? And a good helper need to be very self-aware for not projecting her/his own things on the other person?
And once again, I think Miller is right (my translation):
If one uncritically cling to old methods' alleged infallibility (and she includes regressive techniques here AND primal therapy) and blames the client for failures, you inevitably land in the same fairways (waters) as the sect-guru, who also promises entire liberation. Such promises only produce self-destructive dependence which stands in the way for the individual’s liberation.Addition: see this blog about the book mentioned above (both in Swedish and English).
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