

I got this tip from a friend about "The Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children – CSPCC". On the home-site it stands:

"What is Empathic Parenting?

Being willing and able to put yourself in your child's shoes in order to correctly identify his/her feelings, and

Being willing and able to behave toward your child in ways which take those feelings into account.

Empathic Parenting takes an enormous amount of time and energy and fully involves both parents in a co-operative, sharing way.

Credo of the CSPCC

Recognizing that the capacity to give and receive trust, affection and empathy is fundamental to being human, and...

Knowing that all of us suffer the consequences when children are raised in a way that makes them affectionless and violent, and...

Realizing that for the first time in History we have definite knowledge that these qualities are determined by the way the child is cared for in the very early years..."

And there was an article “Psychopathy and Consumerism: Two Illnesses That Need And Feed Each Other”, there one can read for instance:

"A psychopath or partial psychopath has an impaired capacity to form intimate, trusting mutually satisfying relationships with other human beings as a result of impaired attachment in the earliest years. Unable to find pleasure and satisfaction from others, the psychopath or partial psychopath must turn to things -- goods and services, toys and travel -- to fill the emptiness within.

The emptiness of the hollow man must be filled, and consumerism has learned how.

It is said that a culture creates the kind of people it needs. Maybe we're into frequent separations and changing, shared, paid caregivers in the first three years of the lives of our children so they will grow up with an insatiable need to shop till they drop.

If you're unable to obtain satisfaction from BEING, which is based on love and the pleasure of sharing, then the HAVING MODE, as Eric Fromm put it, is your only choice. 'The HAVING MODE, concentrates on material possession, acquisitiveness, power, and aggression and is the basis of such universal evils as greed, envy, and violence...'"

We fill our needs in other ways too? In destructiveness and self-destructiveness of different kinds… But, yes, many of us fill needs through buying things, to different degrees!??

Searched on shopping and found those two articles
“I love shopping" and “Shopping you out of consumerism” (both in Swedish).

PS. About Zygmunt Bauman and his personal moral back when he was young in this article in the Guardian "Professor with a past".

PPS. Ingeborg Bosch has written about forcing a child to share at a too early age... The child will develop into a sharing individual on her/his own if one gives it that chance or opportunity? (not that anyone should be forced to share either?? Whether child or grown up?) I think I have written about this somewhere. Now I am going to pack the car and drive north though... It's plus degrees and cloudy... It's so nice with spring.

Addition in the evening: now I am at the country-side, something I really like. After lunch I took a nap (one whole hour I think) looks like I needed it!!! Need to relax really?? After a lot at work and a lot of emotions...

After the nap I took a walk with a cute dog in the wood here. It's still a lot of snow there. And when I drove here it snowed!!!

Eskil the dog has got a new toy, a sounding one, and when I came he showed it to me!! He wanted to play??? It's so fun that he still wants. He is after all 5 years!!

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