
The new, real heroes after the greediness's Lords - or remove the barons from office...

In a long interview with the French journalist Jean-Claude Guillebaud (writing about media in the French “Nouvel Observateur”):

The medias today are lacking backbone. They don't have any goal any longer, more than earning money. In former times one looked upon the medias' freedom as an indication on how the democracy worked in a country.

But now the medias have become radioactive, they poison the democracy.”

Guillebaud has collected a lot of warnings for the coming financial crisis. Everything has been said, all the time, he means.

But the ones warning didn't get any space in media. Instead the medias tried to make us believe that this economical meltdown was entirely unpredictable. The medias tried to silence all contradicting voices.

Guillebaud thinks the medias was the greediness's Lords instruments.

And today it's the ones causing the crisis who are still given space in the medias to tell us how to solve it. The ones warning have no say not even now.

This is what happens daily in Sweden even in public service the Swedish journalist Maria-Pia Boëthius thinks in the article "Remove the barons from office."

On the question who the new heroes are, after the greediness's Lords, Guillebaud replies (in my maybe a little free translation from a Swedish text) :

All the million people who try to perform an honest work, and who are the real foundation for our existence on this earth.”

But you don't see them in the medias?”
the interviewer asks.

Guillebaud replies. A lot of people are working hard to manage their lives and earn their living, and are working entirely in the shades! And they don't earn a lot of money, despite a lot of hard work.

And apropos media: everywhere there is a debate that the paper newspapers are dying out. Or at least the morning papers are dying. However, they want support from the people now. But they let the readers down. They are about committing suicide of fear for the death.

Imitating Internet and the evening papers instead of restoring the honest journalism. They are to blame themselves, but this doesn't impede our needs for honest daily papers.

Found something Alice Miller writes at page 87-88 in her book “The Body Never Lies – The Lingering Effects of Cruel Parenting” *:

The playwright Henrik Ibsen used the phrase 'pillars of society' to refer to those people in positions of power who profit from the mendacity [lögnaktighet, osanning] of the society they live in. I hope that those people who have recognized their own story and freed themselves from the lies of conventional morality [the fourth commandment] will be the pillars of a future society built on conscious awareness.

Without the awareness of what happened to us at the outset of our lives, the entire fabric of our culture seems to me to be nothing other than a farce.”

* about this book: "Miller also discusses how institutionalized religion itself can contribute to the crushing guilt that prevents us from being healthy and conscious adults. She urges society to realize that the Fourth Commandment -'Honor thy father and thy mother'- offers immunity to abusive parents. Indeed, she argues, it is healthier not to extend forgiveness to parents whose tyrannical childrearing methods have resulted in unhappy, and often ruined, adult lives.

In a stirring rejection of the 'Poisonous Pedagogy' that pardons even the most brutal parenting, Miller examines the cyclical nature of violence and abuse. Parents and guardians who abuse their children, both physically and mentally, leave them embarrassed and hurt. The inability of most children to properly express such feelings causes them to perpetuate the cycle by lashing out at their family, friends, and, above al1, their own children, who will inevitably do the same.

Throughout The Body Never Lies, Miller offers a calm and encouraging voice. Indeed, The Body Never Lies, through its illuminating and provocative insight, affords us a unique understanding of the immense healing powers of the adult self and the body."

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