Some morning thoughts…
I saw our current minister of education in the morning sofa this morning talking with
“The government’s new suggestions to school law is focusing more on punishments than supporting measures, which is at risk of making it more difficult for children and young people to pick up knowledge, quite contrary to the goal the government has put up.”
Strikes me what Alice Miler writes about children who are afraid for punishment and what this causes for how they function.
And by the way, what underlying outlook on children does this Jan Björklund have? Does he (and his supporters) believe that children are born in a way so they need control, restrictions etc? I.e., that they are born with some kind of evilness or drives or something they need to control and need help to control? They will be very grateful to us if we do this, at least later when they understand better (observe the irony?
“Instead of bringing fundamental, basic deficiencies in the school system in order and trying to find methods making the student grow the government try to cure symptoms with reprimands and downright punishments. For the teenager it is crucial to become seen, independently if one is clever or fail with ones studies.”
Alice Miller and her readers on Super Nanny methods (methods that have become popular here in
In good old style the minister didn’t listen and doesn’t show any empathy OR interest in hearing. Quite arrogantly and authoritarian. And this is opportune today for “authorities”! Nobody reacts or question this today. Less of all the press.
The leader for the liberal party in
And this is appealing to many people, something that is so scary. A lot of people need to act things out? Taking revenge? But on who should they react actually?
Very, very ironically; yes, young people need to learn, to be taught! For their own good. No grown up people need to learn or be taught? And least of all our minister of education!? Now he has the power too refusing to learn, to be taught. He can give other people (not least young people) a lesson!?
The “strong” leader many have waited for? He doesn’t listen to people and he says that children in school need more knowledge. But he has actually proved that he is lacking knowledge himself, for instance that he doesn’t know what research or science have found. What about trusting children?
Struck me that Stiglitz writes what the deregulation politics have led to. The ideas that if you leave everything to the market, trusting the market and the people there the market will regulate itself. And this about regulations and controlling... Hmmm...
I spoke with a colleague on Sunday evening (she is soon to become retired). This talk made me think. She thinks our freedom has become limited. I couldn't help comparing: while the market (and economy) has become deregulated the work labor has become more and more regulated and controlled? Is this a coincidence?
I can’t help thinking: who needs freedom and whose ravages should become limited? What have greedy people accomplished? But, also, from where does greediness (bottomless needs) come from in the beginning?
The actors on the market (the ones who owns a lot there, not we small share holders) have been given an enormous (??) freedom? And been given this on behalf of other people’s freedom?
Yes, have we ordinary people and “workers” become less regulated? Or more? Have we been given freedom or less since I came out on the labor market? No, our work has become (much) more regulated today. But we have at the same time (no wonder!) had to hear how free we are. We can organize and plan it as we want. In MY work (as teacher in music school) we have no written curriculum, we make our own schedules.
“Look how much freedom you have!"Somebody else telling us what an enormous freedom we have! What is freedom actually?
I can’t help thinking further. Isn’t this symptomatic for the whole labor market? People on the labor market haven’t become freer or less regulated the last 15-20-25 years? But instead more? Despite regulated markets and economies and that we have had right wing governments in many western countries, including
Something left wing governments are accused for because they are said to have been ruling all this time and thus are he responsible for the current state of affairs, which our bourgeoisie government now is trying to rescue us from.
How would it be if we had no governments whatsoever?
Does a deregulated market mean more freedom for its workers? And for people in general?
Maybe children should need more freedom and trust instead of less. But we can’t let grown up (harmed) people free always. Writing and saying this is dangerous? Because it can become misused.
Wondering further: Who of the grown up people are we giving trust and who are we not giving trust? Who do we trust and rely on and who are we not trusting or relying on?
Yes, we can trust too much and we can trust too little. Trusting too much can be naïve? And trusting too little can resemble paranoia? (both trusting too and much and trusting too little has reasons),
Do we trust the right people? And mistrust the wrong?
How do we define what “freedom” is? In the National Encyclopedia of Sweden you can read about freedom (my amateur translation), this article is very long, 1, 5 page approximately, and I will translate the first paragraph:
“Freedom [is] a central notion in ethics and in political philosophy. The notion gets its meaning in the ethics in that way that it’s a nature law to think that if people don’t have freedom to want to and to act, they can’t neither be made responsible for her/his actions and by rights not become rewarded or punished for if she/he is acting right or wrong. There are two main interpretations for this for responsibility required freedom, according to the compatibilism it is compatible with the determinism, the thesis that all that is happening has an enough reason, while it according to the incompabilitism is incompatible with this doctrine.”
I just simply wonder, can “freedom” for one person be the opposite for another?
To avoid empathy deficits we need to preserve all sides that are natural in a child. Not only develop "knowledge" in children in school.
Research has shown that many bright people are suffering from empathy deficits... But I believe they aren't born in this way. And our minister of education isn't demonstrating that he is respecting knowledge himself either actually!
Addition: On a blog whose owner is chairperson for the youth organizations in
The heading of it is in the style “A little anxiety for the future has nobody died from, have they?”
“I hope more people are catching on to the BRIS [Children’s Right in Society] debate today about young people’s performance anxiety. It’s surprisingly quiet from politicians’ side about the statistics that is pointing to young people’s ill-health, lack of support, loneliness, exposure, vulnerability, anxiety.
Yes, most young people today have an iPod, access to the net and freedom to chose. But is this a measure that most young people are feeling well? Children’s Right in Society put the finger on the lack of understanding from the environment for how a young person can experience her/his life situation.
It’s possible to find some explanations,* but you can’t wink at (close your eyes) to the consequences.”
How well said!
* See another blogger in the blogposting "The man who is afraid of safety" reacting at the (arrogant) talk on safety-addiction. Minimizing and belittling grassroots needs in contempt for weakness and nothing else!
And I have wondered, and can't help continue wondering, are those screaming loudest about freedom actually prepared to give (all) other people freedom? And those who have been and still are for (total) deregulations (when it comes to economy) are they for less regulations and controls for the work labor? Or maybe even for more regulations and controls. But maybe they are using other expressions for those things and with this they are covering their "ambitions" or purposes up (rhetoric).
After lunch quickly: Quite ironically: Those neoliberals talking loudly about freedom do they begrudge other people freedom; to express themselves for instance, and to express diverging opinions? Do those neoliberals show real, genuine respect towards other people? More respect for other people and their freedom (of choice, thinking etc.) than the man on the street shows?
The only important for them is that they get freedom if nobody else gets it they don’t care or that’s not their business?
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