
Rage, fury…

about J. Stiglitz here (from Indiana!) and see his homesite here.

Found an article by the American economist Joseph Stiglitz on the economical crisis “Capitalist Fools” about “five key mistakes – under Reagan, Clinton, and Bush II – and one national delusion,” and the reading of it made me think.

For ordinary people, the man on the street, maybe realizing what he/she has had to go without, forsake, and probably is forced to go without further * because of the politics that has been pursued (and realize the results of this politics) must be very hard. Where and how does this anger get expression? How is this (justified) disappointment (for the deceit and treachery to the man on the street) expressed?

Some people use denial to escape the anger?

Similar things exercised by people in power occur in other countries on this earth and have occurred during history.

What have they led to?

* But I am not sure that people should HAVE to forsake as much as they are probably going to be told... The governments here and there COULD do more for the ordinary man in this crisis!?? And then I don't mean just food and shelter or a roof over the head as we say!

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