

Cynicism, the term has several different meanings. The most popular meaning aim at an almost cold (callous) outlook on life (maybe even free from illusions and a belief on the worst concerning mankind). It can even allude to just seeing the human being and/or the society as it is, without having an effect on accepted or conventional norms. The latter meaning is actually more correct when the term utmost originates from the Cynics in ancient Greece which didn’t advocate frigidity but independency and self-control. One of the most well-known cynics were Diogenes from Sinope.”

”…for a propagandist [also see here on propagandist] like [Johan] Norberg it must be great that a lot of people believe what he is paid to make them believe.

The considerably more interesting question about what political economical system which is the best for most people he and his soul mates aren’t concerning themselves with of explainable reasons. They bravely fight further on the power’s side and for the power’s sake, an always equally admirable fight [Kerstin, commentator on Esbati's blog].”

”So if the tea bag revolution this week doesn’t succeed maybe Norberg pushes off over the puddle and helps the Americans or in any case Wall Street getting their freedom back [Lennart, commentator on Esbati’s blog].”

”The more and more desperate republicans are trying to revolt against president Obama through organizing ‘tea parties’ now just before taxation day April 15.

‘Tea Bagging’ refers back to the Boston Tea Party 1773 that is seen as the starting point for the American Revolution against the Englishmen. The American settlers in Boston refused to accept the taxes on tea because they hadn’t been allowed to decide about them.

With other words the republicans want to start a national revolution towards president Obama and his government in protest against his trials to solve the catastrophic economical crisis here in USA. Talk about extremism!

But one can’t be really sure where one has those extreme republicans. Maybe it’s only about sex here, something the republicans and their nucleus squads in the Christian Right never have learned to handle [from the blog ‘Det progressiva USA. My addition: WHAT phenomenon (maybe one should be careful saying 'who' quite ironically!??) caused the catastrophic economical crisis? And WHO have to pay for it (quite ironically)? Who are going to suffer most from this crisis? The wealthiest, i.e. the ones which after all have (financial and economical) margins? Or the man on the street? Small entrepreneurs etc.? Who are 'punished' for it? And who are maybe unfairly blamed for it (the man on the street)? And who are defended and protected?]."

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