
Being stuck in poverty - about being fooled (??)…

See the posting “Extremism, lobbyism, tea parties an so called ‘spontaneous uprising’, and even more about the American Dream’…” in Swedish with links (in English).

From the article "The American dream is Swedish”:

“Poverty is holding people back for generations. In Sweden too. At the same time it seems as the prerequisites for a person to break with her/his background seem to be better in our country than in other countries in other words! ‘The American Dream’ is rarest (or maybe just a dream) in its own home country.

The social mobility is worst in USA closely followed by Great Britain, Italy and France. High taxes and redistributing transferrings [as in the Scandinavian countries for instance] don’t seem to check the mobility in the society. On the contrary. Countries with more basic security societal systems [as in US, Great Britain, Italy an France?] show a lower mobility and Lind’s report point to that small income differences [instead of big] favor the social mobility[instead of the opposite].

Liberals use to say that if all have the same opportunities in theory, the society is just or equitable. Richard Tawney has called this a ‘tadpole philosophy’. Most tadpoles never become more than tadpoles. In any case they can comfort themselves with the thought that some of them will become frogs and get up on land as successful citizens with private fortunes and memberships in the tax payers association [something we don’t belong to all of us!!??].

But the theory that inequalities are disciplining people to work themselves up on land despite their start as tadpoles doesn’t seem to be true to the reality. And the difference between theory and reality (praxis) is as we know that in reality it is a disparity between theory and reality. Limited welfare, low taxes and strong economical incitements don’t contribute to movement upwards concerning income distribution. People in societies with that sort of politics get stuck.”

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