
An initiative worth copying…

how is Easter, and other holidays, for children (and adults)?

The new blog Sigruns blogg writes in a posting yesterday about a network Reddesmå.no in Norway consisting of professionals, politicians and private persons supporting the work fighting violence, abuse, neglect, encroachment and lack of care towards children.

The background for this network is that some thousand children use their forces, powers, strengths, vigour, and vitalities on protecting themselves against violence, encroachment, and lack of care. They live remarkably silent with their catastrophe-secrets (very loyally), but are often enormously frightened.

Private-persons, the public help and judicial system or national authorities haven’t procured for enough help for the small, frightened children. Most of them don’t get sufficient help before the damage made is too big.

The initiative-takers are a male family-therapist and a woman working at something called BUF-etat in Norway: “Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs”.

An initiative to copy here and there!!?? For raising the awareness of these issues even more, making it clear to children what is wrong and to be questioned, and for raising the awareness about how it can be for children - and for the results of how children are treated.

I am "boknörd" or "book-nerd" this much:

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Anonym sa...

Today I have written about a psychologist worth copying, the child psychologist Magne Raundalen. In the newspaper today he has written an article about the mother's fundamental importance for the baby's well-being and future psychic health. The background for his article is an Iranian mother with a little baby girl whom the authorities in Norway want to send back to Iran, despite of the fact that this woman now has become a Christian and has a past as a lesbian in Iran.