"What good fortune for those in power that people do not think"
Read Alice Miller's “Adolf Hitler: How Could a Monster Succeed in Blinding a Nation?”
Miller wonders if it is still possible to believe that without the mistreatment of the child, without the form of child-rearing based on violence to inculcate (inpränta) blind obedience, there wouldn't have been any Hitler and his followers?
How could he create this death machinery and get millions of helpers to set it in motion? Because the children weren't too hard held? Not enough disciplined?
The belief in the need of discipline, from what view on mankind (and on children) does it come? Discipline of what actually?
And what does the grown believe about him/herself there I can't help wonder ironically (but the parent hided that, not least to his/her child, and tried to hide it to her/himself)? That he/she is complete? Or was it the contrary, and the grown up couldn't really stand this, and needed an outlet for the factual low thoughts he/she had on him/herself? But this is no excuse for what he/she did or what a parent ever does! Ever in the future!
Our innate sinfulness? Very ironically. How convenient to play on that!
I am reacting very strongly against our current school-minister, who is preaching harder and tougher grips in school. He, born 1962 (and thus younger than I am and younger than my fifth sibling!), thinks children have been held too loose!!! This is really scary! And even more scary that he gets so much acclamation! So it must have been (and be?) something wrong in child-rearing, but not due to to loose grips!!
He takes a lot of responsibility on him for what he will succeed to carry through. As all those supporting him and is ideas. I dislike this from deep, deep in my heart!! He is called "cane (or rattan) major" by many here.
Preventive measures should be taken as early as possible! But other sorts of preventive measures! In form of information to parents to be for instance. Information on what's actually harmful; to bat and spank or even take hard in a child (Bosch and Jenson has found in therapy actually!), sexual abuse and all forms of it (even inappropriate touching for instance), and one can emotionally abuse a child too!!! One can humiliate a child!
And this is grown ups responsibility!
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