
The lust and the demons...

[Updated June 26]. From the book about Ingmar Bergman “Lusten och dämonerna” or “The Lust and the Demons”: In many interviews Bergman invited to an interpretation of his work as direct results of his life. With this not said everything is univocally (entydigt) biographic the author Mikael Timm thinks.

Timm writes about different models for interpretation of Bergman’s work (phew! Why not the simple explanation?); the Marxist, the psychoanalytical, the structural, the semiotic… Using any of them one risk missing as much as if one uses the sole biographic method he thinks. Phew again!

When Bergman himself described his own work-method he said he threw the javelin (spjut) first right into the dark and then went to look where it landed. First intuition and then analysis.

The more one penetrate into his work the clearer it becomes that he has had as his starting point something he has observed, either in his own life from very early or in other people’s lives. Bergman said to Timm that he had never made anything up.

A Herbert Grevenius tried to explain why Bergman had a special ability to wake attention among (or compared to) his contemporary:

“Ingmar Bergman who has caused so much commotion (rabalder) the last decade, is now a 34 year old man with many children but is seen by judges (bedömare) as a high school student (gymnasist) in pubertal crisis still. Why? Maybe because he stubbornly writes about the confrontation between the life and the childhood idyll, between young vulnerable people and older in armours and masks, about love and death. The wiser and more careful of them just wrap things up (lindar in saker) a little more or express it a little more complicated. Ingmar has never done that. Even if he could have. But he is too impatient.”

I have thought and am thinking again if it was (or is) acceptable for a woman devoting herself so to her work as Bergman did to his?? And to have 9 children at the same time? Leaving them to the other parent too? Not that this would have been my model…

Women in a similar position would choose not to have any children?

And some have neither a career nor children…

Reading this was a little comforting for me: as the spontaneous, quick, impatient I am in a way! Behind shyness, a certain guardedness? Why I have chosen the work I have? To be allowed expressing things, being spontaneous, alive? Throwing out things first, and then returning watching what I have done (sometimes with blushing cheeks), rewriting, changing...

Addition June 26: See the article “Ingmar Bergman: A morally flawed recluse, but a director touched by genius” by Geoffrey McNab in the Independent July 31, 2007.

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