Also came to think about trusting ones gut feeling. Doing this really reliably you have to have as little as possible unprocessed? At least if you are in a role as responsible and/or with power?? As teacher (in my case), as therapist, as another authority-figure where people are dependent, as moderator etc.? Then you need self-awareness, and need to work on it continually the best one can… Tricky if one has to do it on ones own…
It’s something different in other relations? When the relation is more equal? Then one should trust that gut feeling more? A feeling of uneasiness?
But back to circumstances where one discuss childhood issues: the healthiest leave? If they are rejected once and again, and can’t get through, if they can't get through with for instance their messages and support to people? And it can be those that become rejected too? If the moderator has unprocessed things, of a certain kind, maybe can’t deal with or stand competition? But of course such an explanation and accusation can be used too, against healthier in moderator-positions!!
The most damaged easily get stuck, and maybe more stuck in worse circumstances.
Critics (even honest, fair) of the power can get rejected. And if the rejections aren’t followed with any explanations, what can that cause? Of course there can probably come a border when there is no idea with more arguing, and it can probably be difficult drawing that…
I have also wondered about the thought it’s easy like that to seek oneself to healthier environments. The more hurt and harmed you have become the more difficult that can be. Isn’t it similar to what Miller has written about Helga for instance??? Some also avoid circumstances and relations that would be good?
And of shame (over how one has become treated) you keep quiet… And this only plays he perpetrator in hands. The perpetrator can be quite safe. Horrible.
Trust ones gut feeling, yes, maybe… This is tricky…
What is one censoring?

my grandma holding one of her grand-children, but how?? It doesn't look comfortable at all for the child!! And my grandma didn't mind being photographed at all - on the contrary! On this picture I think she is 66 years, and on the first in her seventies, or maybe almost eighty? She died in her ninety-first year. My grandpa was 5, 5 years younger he died when he was 85...
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