Addition January 29:
"Unless you aren't perfect you won't get my love!?? And not until you are perfect I will notice you (but I don't promise anything)!"
"Until then you don't exist to me!"
"If I...? Then maybe?? If I try with this...? If I do this, then...? If I am well-educated,then...? If... then...?"Women and children are less worth?? To some... Why?
"I am very fond of children!"the man said to his coming wife. It's one thing what you say and another how you actually behave and what you actually do, she realized!?? Yes, there are many fine words, but living as one learns... That's difficult. I probably don't see things either...
One of the effects of high demands (and demands on perfectionism?) is the use of medicine for for instance Alzheimer patients in not sick people to improve their intellectual capacity, a form of doping in fact. Which was discussed this morning in the morning-sofa... Phew! What's the risks they wondered... And what does this mean for even more raised demands on people to achieve?? And an increased stress... The message you aren't good enough, a feeling you have with you (sometimes denied?) from early?
A parallel to doping in sports!?? Risking your health and maybe even future life?? Behaving self-destructively in fact! One of many ways in behaving self-destructively... (some are more socially accepted? And not viewed in the same way as for instance anorexia, where anorexia, alcoholism etc. are seen as diseases...).
A Swedish brain-researcher thought the effects are marginal compared to side-effects. And it would be better to take care of our brains in other manners, by for instance sleeping one hour more each night (if we can)... There were a lot of texts (articles) on his home-site, which I haven't read, but I skimmed the headings. One was about ADHD and damp (actually a book he has written a conrtibution to), another about biologism, another about why we have become as we are "Ett oskrivet blad - därför blir vi så" *... His published papers here.
The nature has fixed the balance between forgetting and remembering during human beings development for hundred thousand of years he said... My thoughts: Now we are challenging this. Aren't we abusing and violating this actually? If one should come back to and use the terms abuse and violation! And why are we doing his? What's this about?
And it was this with biomedical scientists and empathy deficits too... They are just developing their intellects (even more? Or?)... And what are they actually trying to prove? That troubles, diseases etc. of different kind aren't parents' fault?? They really need to prove this, both to themselves, but the whole world - and their parents? They desperately need this?? (probably of understandable reasons, but what do they actually bring about for the rest of the humanity). Honoring their fathers and mothers by their achievements?? Too many are like that? Martin Ingvar's father was brain-researcher he too!
And intellect is more valued than emotions... The "intellectual" more valued than the "emotional"... But many also react with insecurity if one start to talk about emotions? At least in some circumstances? And some (many) are afraid of "strong" women??
That about having both IQ and EQ and strong broad-bands between them... But is emotional intellegense the same as true empathy? With this not said at all that I should be some sort of virtuoso on this at all...
See Bosch and Freyd on Daniel Goleman here.
And their training and the whole milieu they come to work in many times strengthens this too?? They are being brainwashed, even more!?
Other themes that struck me (things in general, not only connected to this posting): the need for power and control, the need for superiority, the need to exercise these things... The need to sit on others... Does this create closeness or nearness though??

Jo, fast jag tror också att en kos beteende påverkas av hur den blivit behandlad, liksom andra djurs beteenden påverkas av hur de blivit behandlade... Jag har ju faktiskt vuxit upp bland en massa djur och vi har haft djur. I och för sig kanske detta inte innebär att jag sett en massa saker eller förstått eller kanske ens förmått ta in... Fast jag tror faktiskt barn kan se en hel del, innan de kanske blir ännu mer avtrubbade, eller kanske helt avtrubbade!??"Varför är vi som vi är och varför utvecklas våra barn som de gör? Den snabba kunskapsutvecklingen inom genetik och hjärnforskning gör det åter aktuellt att föra diskussionen om arvets och miljöns betydelse för människans och samhällets utveckling. Diskussionen är nödvändig, det märks inte minst på hur ämnet diskuteras i media och i politiken. Vågorna i debatten har gått höga under lång tid. Är det bara mammas och pappas fel att det blir som det blir? Är det samhällets fel?
Egentligen är det förvånande att det fortfarande är kontroversiellt att säga att våra beteenden också har en genetisk och biologisk bas. De flesta accepterar att en ko beter sig som en ko eftersom den har en kos gener och inte enbart för att den härmar andra kor. Om det inte var generna som styrde skulle kon likaväl kunnat härma en häst. Trots det framkallar påståenden om att människans personlighetsutveckling och beteende har ett genetiskt underlag fortfarande motresonemang som tidvis blir våldsamma."
And see these two videos: "Harry Harlow & Rhesus Monkeys – development" and "Abuse". About the last video it stood:
"Examines violence both in tribal and modern societies and explores Dr. Prescott's S-SAD theory, both the cross-cultural and the neuropsychological aspects. Video documents that palecerebellar decortication eliminated pathological violent behaviors including self-mutilation and permits positive prosocial, affectional and alert behaviors in the adult mother-deprived monkey that was not possible before surgery, thus confirming Dr. Prescott's SSAD theory that the cerebellum has a major role in the regulation of emotional-social behaviors, particularly depressive and violent behaviors. -1976"Interesting: there are connections between aggression/violence and depression!!??
See "The Origins for Peace and Violence –Deprivation of Physical Affection as a Main Cause of Depression, Aggression and Drug Abuse."
Childhood abuse (not or less processed) results in either directing things out and/or in!? You direct things, act things out either at others and/or yourself?
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