
Some reflections when I made lunch...

two cute 11-year old girls playing bo-peep or tittut (or what is it called in English?)

Reflections when I was making lunch. Thought further on a posting I did on my other blog (in Swedish) on "The Price for 'progress, development' and 'prosperity'..."

Creativity and stress… Under what conditions are people more creative, and under what less creative? And why? I though of the relation between stress and creativity all of a sudden… Being in a (constant) state of fight what does that mean? Maybe it stimulates to creativity to solve the problem(s) or does it and under what conditions, with what sort of (early) background? But if this becomes long term, I think it interferes with creativity in a negative way. I am thinking of the general stress and high demands in society (both in working and private/personal life, and in first hand on external demands, but also a little on internal) and needs for solving all sorts of problems on many different levels…

And being in a (constant) state of flight (consciously or unconsciously or both) what does that mean?

Over stimulation is as bad as under stimulation. Some people, both young and older, are over stimulated and others are under stimulated. What does this create? This with balance in our lives…

What are the roots to all this?

And - animals mean a lot… It became so apparent when Eskil died. Today it’s two weeks since this happened. Mom was offered Eskil’s mom Ines (8 years in November) by Eskil’s breeder. At first mom was very hesitant to this. But my oldest brother thought they should go looking at her at least. And they took her with her! It looks as she has accommodated fairly well!! And seem to be very easy to have to do with. But of course Eskil is very much missed…

Yes, animals mean A LOT!!!

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