
Cynicism and moral…

We have been told (brainwashed with the propaganda) that all people are misusing the systems. The ones in the highest positions in the society have shown little or no moral or solidarity when there has been financial crisis the last almost two decades.

In many people this leads to resignedness and dejectedness:

“What can one do? You can’t do anything!”

This dejectedness in turn leads to cynicism in (too) many people.

“If all other people do, why shouldn’t I?”

and that’s bad and dangerous? How is this for the whole system and the world?

But from where does these feelings stem actually?

Is it the child’s hopelessness? The child’s feelings that it had no options? Feelings of powerless and helplessness? And the child didn’t have any options; it just HAD to find itself in her/his situation. But an adult usually have much more options. Some therapists for instance mean that we have options where we don’t believe we have (also see here about Past Reality Integration Therapy). But those feelings say something about our childhood and the helplessness then. Things we haven't gotten the opportunity or help to integrate.

In some people it just leads to dejectedness (a sort of paralysis and a feeling that it’s no idea trying to change anything, because everything is beyond my power) and in others to a cynicism:

“If other people, why can’t I…?”

People who are less harmed react differently? They act on things and do this in a more constructive and efficient way?

That "the power" is abusing its power (wherever it occurs) is no excuse for other people to do the same I think. Who shall set good examples? And that we have been abused once is no excuse either for us abusing other people or systems I think.

And this (strong) tendency in many people (because of their early history) is also used (quite cynically and deliberately) by propagandists walking the power's errands!? The phenomenon of polarizing and splitting people in dividing and ruling. Also something we were taught early in life by our parents probably, who used this method to make their children obedient and submissive.

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