
Research on why more equal socities almost always do better...

See the book "The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Socities Almost Always Do Better" by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett .

They have also created the site The Equality Trust.

A review of this book and a seminar with the two authors on their findings:

Or listen here.

Addition May 14: Also see the publication "Mental Health, Resilience and Inequalities":

"Joint report with WHO Europe which demonstrates how poor mental health experienced by individuals is a significant cause of wider social and health problems, including:

  • low levels of educational achievement and work productivity

  • higher levels of physical disease and mortality

  • violence, relationship breakdown and poor community cohesion

In contrast, good mental health leads to better physical health, healthier lifestyles, improved productivity and educational attainment and lower levels of crime and violence.”

Addition May 15:
"When a big kid hits a little kid, we call it bullying.
When an adult hits another adult, we call it assault.
When the adults in a family hit each other we call it battering or domestic violence.
When an adult hits a child we call it discipline."

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