[Updated during the day and February 23]. In a review over a dissertation on “disturbing students, correcting teachers – about rules, expectations and teachers' correcting measures against disturbing girls and boys in the classroom” (page 90 in the linked Pedagogical Magazine) a Marcus Samuelsson at the University of Linköping writes that already 50 years ago the Swedish pedagogue and researcher Torsten Husén was asked to make an investigation on account of the upbringing, or education, crisis that took its expression in increased difficulties making the students adjust/adapt themselves to the norms of the school.
In the investigation that came 1959 you could read about the almost permanent restlessness in many classrooms.
Problems with discipline are thus nothing new here in
"Except for one or two leading school politicians, thinking everything was so much better before"he adds quite ironically.
Yes, the school politicians in our current government talks a lot about "lacking knowledge" in our students (on all levels), but how is it with their own knowledge? And their respect for knowledge? With their respect and knowledge about how it has been actually and what science has shown so far? I wonder quite ironically too.
See www.teachersolidarity.com - the Global Assault on Teaching, Theachers and their Unions: Stories for Resistance. Something I would want to blog about later too.
Also see earlier blogpostings on "neo-authoritarianism".
Addition later during the day: strikes me that what our current leaders are showing is ignorance.
Addition February 23: read about Torsten Husén, a pedagogical thinker, here (in English).
Addition February 26: a female Gestalt-therapist and physician thought teachers in training should go through therapy... Yes, the idea is right, but what sort of therapy is offered, and with what sort of underlying ideas about the roots of problems?
7 kommentarer:
Hei. Er innom og ser at du har skrevet endel om skole i det siste. Selv er jeg tilhenger av unschooling.
Har du sett denne? http://www.naturalchild.com/
beste hilsen Eva
Jo, jag har sett denna sida. Tack för påminnelsen.
Jag sökte på begreppet unschooling och såg då att det myntades av John Holt. Känner till honom.
Och att det begreppet inbegriper mer än bara "undervisning i hemmet": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unschooling
Jag gillar inte det som sker i Sverige idag eller trenderna de senaste två decennierna... De nyauktoritära och nykonservativa tendenserna. Och har behov av att skriva av mig angående det!?
Intressant! Tackar! :)
Hei K
så bra! Ja det bygger på John Holt sine oppdagelser allerede på begynnelsen av 60 tallet! (Og kanskje litt før.)
Viktig å følge sine behov. Skriv du K.!
Jo, jag kommer att fortsätta skriva och skriva, även om jag jobbar en massa. Och om det senare kan man också fundera: vi ska hållas strängt sysselsatta??
Hmmm, duktighetsmanin!? Som genomsyrar samhället OCH blir ett problem för dem som har problem med duktighet...
Dyktighet i seg selv er hverken problem eller ressurs.
Gleden med det med holder på med er alltid en ressurs.
Håller med, glädjen, den genuina, i det man håller på med är alltid en resurs.
Oisann! Hazel det er visst meg; Eva.
Han du ser på youtube, Lennon Aldort, blei "unschoolt"
beste hilsen Eva
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