It stood in a small notice in a local newspaper “Human rights- the only way”. The UN declaration about the human rights "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" celebrates 60 years. Progressive and forward aiming thoughts worth celebrating. Namely all human beings equal rights. All peoples’ freedom. Fight against death penalty, torture and other injustices.
If only good powers prevailed and the bad could be combated.
A wish in vain!? But where does evilness come from? See earlier postings on evil child (monster child) and evilness . And how do we fight this?
Further thoughts: The organization at work is a real mess… The last decade with the economic steel bath a lot of people became burnout or “just” exhausted, preferably women have become. The conditions have become worse at workplaces… Not better or improved. People have become more and more selfish. Nobody care about anybody else. All have so enough with their own affairs. All only care about their own things.
A Thursday some weeks ago I met a female colleague at town and she muttered very angrily there. She was on her way to a lunch concert. Now it was the guitarists turn. Guitarists with guests. The other guitar teachers are men. My female colleague is the only female guitar teacher and her master (major?) is actually not guitar. She switched to recorder during her precollege education.
She said that she had to take the whole responsibility for the concert. All men left everything to her.
“But let it break down!”I tried to say to her.
No, she said she couldn’t.
Oh, those stupid women!!! Do they have to take the responsibility always!?? Well, she can only blame herself!!! Then. It’s her own fault if she becomes exhausted!! Of course she has responsibility for herself and for her health and wellbeing. Everything is put solely on individual persons’ shoulders though… The workplaces or anyone in power have nothing with this to do. And if you can’t handle things, well, then you can just founder! Survival of the fittest.
Commentators on blogs and to articles in the newspapers are mostly men. And most of them are neoliberals. And they are really, really rude! Many probably what you would call Internet-trolls. Scaring other more reasonable people away. Taking up all the space. Shouting loudest and most, till nobody else is heard. Of course you can wonder where this comes from. Why they are like this. And how to deal with this. If you shall deal with it at all, and who shall deal with it? Whose duty dealing with it?
Of course you can wonder who shall solve the problem(s)…
In the meantime people can founder!!!???
What sort of people remain after a while? Only the toughest, hardest? The ones with empathy deficits?
I thought about this with focusing yesterday during and after our lunch concert with our cleverest students. And what Cleese and Skinner wrote about the politicians reaching the power. That it’s more likely that the ones only focused on politics reach the top, gets the most power. I couldn’t help drawing parallels to my profession and being successful there.
One of our former students is now student at the Conservatory. His aim was and still is becoming the best! And he is on his way. And this is a young man (16 years I think) who has some autism traits. So, yeah, he can focus in a way many other people can’t and don’t.
At the concert yesterday a young woman played a movement from a Handel-sonata. She has played it so well and it has been so fun playing with her. She is new in the group and has made a great progress since she sought to this course only half a year ago. She is a girl you really can rely on! Taking responsibility, thinking of others etc. She presented the concert in the beginning. Was asked only an hour before, and she said yes and did it excellently.
But when she should play her solo she was a bit too nervous… And missed things she hadn't missed before.
High demands on her together with thinking on others, i.e. not only focused on what she should do, but on a lot of other things.
And such people can founder!!!!! They have to change! The (most) selfish people don't have to change, because we can't change them? Or?
Is it the most talented that reach the top – always? Is it the most worthy? The best people? What sort of society would be a good one for people to live in? How do we create this sort of society? Is it possible to create? Or is it only survival of the fittest it is about?
What is important? Reaching the top? Being, becoming the best? Can all be the best? And if you don’t become, then what? Or?
Who and what is rewarded in the society? Is it really as van Dyke says:
"Use what talent you possess - the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best."
If you aren’t the best you can be the most attractive, the most beautiful??? The youngest, strongest?
Van Dyke has also said:
“To desire and strive to be of some service to the world, to aim at doing something which shall really increase the happiness and welfare and virtue of mankind - this is a choice which is possible for all of us; and surely it is a good haven to sail for."
Martin Luther King Jr. said:
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
And E. Sue Blume has said:
"Protecting the innocent is not a job for only the survivor. It is a job for all of us. As long as those who are directly charged with their care are abusing that trust, if the rest of us do not take on the job, these children are being sacrificed."
I am entitled to speak up, as woman, as belonging to the weak sex, from my perspective and my experiences, from what I have read, heard, seen, sensed, am I not? Entitled to question and see as wrong? And react strongly against? Or should I become silenced? Is my voice worth being silenced? Am I stupid, don't I have anything to come with?
Till anybody can truly and genuinely convince me about something else, that conditions and people aren't as I see them and experience them?
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