

Hmmm, I got stuck at the computer!

It's soon one year since I started blogging. I haven't pinged my blogs, not being sure where I wanted to go with them. And haven't made any advertisement for them, either than to people personally.

When I started to blog May 12, 2007 I had got the book "All can blog" ("Alla kan blogga") which I had ordered from one of my book clubs, and started immediately.

Now I reread the introduction to it once again:
”Din röst behövs på Internet - alla har något att berätta. Fler människor borde skriva om sitt liv, om sin vardag och sina erfarenheter. Fler människor borde vara med och debattera och diskutera i olika medier.

Många grupper saknas eller finns inte med särskilt mycket i dagens brus i medier. Speciellt människor inom LO-yrken är kraftigt underrepresenterade. Om människors vardag inom LO-yrken inte beskrivs i medier, om människor med erfarenhet av dessa arbeten inte är med i den politiska och kulturella debatten blir det en skev bild av verkligheten som dominerar.”

With my a little free translation it would be something in the style:

“Your voice is needed on Internet – all have something to tell/narrate and contribute with. More people ought to write about their life, about their everyday life and their experiences. More people should join the debate and discuss in media.”

I think this is so true, as I wrote to a friend, I got a lump in my throat reading this - again.

“Many groups aren’t present, are lacking in today’s noisy media. Especially people from ‘the lower classes’ are powerfully underrepresented. If their lives aren’t described in media, if people with experiences from these works/jobs aren’t represented in the political and cultural debate we get a warped or distorted view about the reality which is dominating.”

And there are other people that maybe for the first time are given the opportunity and possibility to raise their voices and reach out to other people. EVEN if these who read them are few.

For instance I have had the opportunity and possibility raising my voice...

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