
United we stand - divided we fall apart...

See this readers' letter "The Emperor has NO CLOTHES" on Alice Miller's web.

The reader writes:
“It seriously worries me whether the ‘powers that be’ in the UK and USA etc. REALLY want a reduction in violent crime. Whether they REALLY want people to treat each other with respect rather than contempt. United we stand - divided we fall apart. At present there is so much repetitive physical assault amongst those who have EVERY REASON to behave as BROTHERS and SISTERS that it keeps us from noticing, maybe, that The Emperor has NO CLOTHES.

That the political and government systems are corrupt [eg The Iraq War ].”

See the British psychologist Oliver James on “So George, how do you feel about your mom and dad?” and also see this article.

On my other blog I have written about expressions of the Master Suppression Techniques (in Swedish though).

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