
The school and authoritarianism…

From an article that has been laying here for quite a while I thought was so good…

With the heading “Political Agenda corrupts the picture.” An article about school politics in Sweden and our (lousy in my strong opinion and feeling) school minister.

The author of the article writes that 30-40 years ago we had a discussion where one draw attention to the encyclopedic knowledge as one called it, namely the knowledge where you just reeled off facts without understanding connections, relations and processes in the ground (yes, deep or surface knowledge or what it’s called in English?).

One discussed grades (betyg) and saw the risks with rewarding the easily measurable knowledge.

Laboriously (with difficulty) one has walked in another direction in the school here in favour of a deeper understanding of the knowledge matters/subjects.

The students were taught to reflect, to think themselves. Yes, even to question things, state of affairs etc.

Now we are obviously turning back to the superficiality’s paradigm again!

Our school minister’s so called reforms indicates a somewhat childish way of behaving to knowledge and pedagogy. Carrots and whips (carrot and stick discipline) shall become honored again and maybe Björklund also has confused the need of a teacher’s authority with authoritarian teachers.

In the Academic world different researchers of course can have different views on science and knowledge, but they aren’t allowed to misrepresent their sources or slip when they quote.

When Björklund has talked about the alleged bad results in Swedish schools a specific, but not expressed view on knowledge is talking.

Parts of the liberal press agree with Björklund and thinks he identifies the real problems (!!!). But is it possible to identify problems when you distort the facts as the sources in fact point out?

How is the dominant liberal press’ ethics and moral when it thinks that this is an acceptable way of using source materials?

Is it the same sort of moral the Alliance (the current ruling coalition here, and hopefully not lasting) uses, and the press gladly presents as the truth, when it paints Swedish citizens black who are said to cheat Social Insurances in Sweden or say that they are working instead of being home with children that are sick? The alarm report which sketched out a picture of millions of cheating Swedes showed to be erroneous, but this they speak very quietly about!!!

If you can assert that the common welfare system is used by greedy citizens, then it’s easier to wind up.

If you can prove that a school where teachers and students try to live together in a friendly atmosphere gives bad results, that the lack of grades from the first beginning lower the students motivation, yes, then you can shout for earlier grades (betyg), harder grips, authoritarian methods.

A certain political agenda is operating here, a hidden agenda.

4,000 Swedish school kids answered an inquiry about security and wellbeing where the Swedish school reached top results. What sort of view on man does Björklund have when he chooses to overlook exactly those students’ – these young people whom in fact are experts on their own situation? Aren’t they? Does he show respect? And why not?

Of course there are things to criticize in our school, but the political platform has to be given an account of.

For example if one likes a school with military drilling more than one who negotiate (Björklund is a former officer). Quite ironically, yes.

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